:::The Diary:::
:::The Extras:::
:::The Contact:::
:::The Thanks:::

<<::"Just say no" prevents drug use the way "Have a nice day" cures chronic depression.::>>
25 February 2003 @ 11:53 pm

Now Reading:
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I was right about the snow day. All classes were cancelled today and, the way it looks now, probably tomorrow morning's, too. I have spent the day reading and trying to stay warm. In a drafty old house with no central heating it's tough. My space heater is my shadow; it follows me to every room of the house!

I miss my cat. Puzzle has been missing for about a week. I guess that's the chance you take having an outside cat. They roam and get hit by cars or are found and adopted by nice families with central heating (hopefully!). Strangely, the other six cats are unconcerned. I ordered Lily, Puzzle's mother, to go look for him. She meowed understanding, but I don't think she looked as hard as I did. Last Tuesday I walked a grid over the homestead, then drove the nearby streets. Not a trace. I had continued looking since then, but now I have pretty much given up hope. Like the saying goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again; then quit. There's no sense in being a damn fool about it." W.C. Fields, I think.

By the way, during my final search for Puzzle today, I had five cats following me around on the ice. I love this cold weather for a new reason now. I can hear my cats walk when they're on ice. For the first time ever, Maze couldn't sneak up and trip me. My cats and I need to move to Alaska.

Begin rant

My mother may be insane. She is a single parent that never had to give the parent-child talks on drugs and sex that are so common today. She knew that I already knew everything there was to know anyway. I taught myself to read at the age of two. No joke. Two and a half years old and I'm at the doctor with an ear infection. I ask him what the M.D. stands for. He gets me a Highlights magazine and asks me to read it to him. I did. He brought other doctors in to see; one of them had a newspaper. I read articles off the front page to the assembled crowd. My greatest accomplishment to date I preformed at two and a half. Sucks to be me. Anyway, any questions that I had about drugs, sex, or anything else for that matter, I would look up in the encyclopedia. I practically raised myself. "Sometimes you have to go a long distance out of the way to come back a short distance correctly" (Grumpy Old Men, good movie). The other day I was watching a Discovery special on Ecstasy and other designer drugs when my mom came home from bingo. It was a lousy special; it had a lot of bad and misleading information. Several key points about the drug culture were overlooked. I was having a time pointing out all of the mistakes in their research. But all the while my mother just sits there and looks at me with a vapid, deer-in-the-headlights look in her eyes. I asked her what the matter was, and she asked me for the first time in 19 and a half years if I took drugs. Now I have wanted to be in law enforcement for years, but even before that I wanted to be an M.D., so I've been reading books on pharmacology and illegal drugs for as long as I can remember. I am taking two Criminal Justice classes this semester. I made my first "drug bust" in the eighth grade (overheard where a school gang hid their stash, turned in an anonymous tip, police found 4 oz of pot in coffee can, gang member somehow found out it was me, I got Binaca tossed in my eyes by the gang's leader, alcohol stings like a SOB). And now, at 19, my mother asks me if I do drugs because I retained some of the info that I've been reading about all these years? To answer, I asked in a slightly indignant tone, "What do you think?", brought her my textbooks for Crime in America and Intro to Criminal Justice, opened them to the chapters on drugs and drug culture, and told her to start reading. She had the nerve to look offended. I finally ended up telling her, "Look, I don't do drugs. I have never done drugs. And it was your expert parenting and close supervision all these years that caused me to become the model American I am today. Now that you've heard what you wanted to hear, DROP IT!". I felt like Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail. I knew the exact thing I wanted to say, and I said it. And I felt bad about it afterwards. But in my defense,...

In case you can't tell...

I DON'T DO DRUGS!!! Not that I have anything against them or the people that do them. I don't. In fact, I think marijuana should be legalized. All the research says that it's an excellent pain killer with few side effects. Legalize it and tax the hell out of it. The main problem with most drugs is that they're illegal. The rampant breaking of the law by users contributes to a general sense of lawlessness and disrespect for law enforcement, which opens the door for related crimes committed by the drug culture and traffickers. Doesn't anyone in Washington remember Prohibition?


I am concerned about HC. Monday in my History of Religion class, I noticed that she wasn't quite herself. Normally before class starts, she is busy writing in her notepad or reading a book. But Monday before class, she sat at her desk for a full fifteen minutes staring at her pen as if it had a tiny puzzle on it that she couldn't quite figure out. It was a nice pen, green with green ink, but I don't think it warranted such a close inspection. Something was on her mind; she looked as if something really serious was bothering her. I would've asked (maybe), but just as I was about to (I was waiting for other people to start talking. I hate to break the silence in a room. I also didn't figure that she would tell me, especially when it was so quiet in the room that everyone else would hear, too.) the professor conveniently walked in and class began. And she always bolts for the door as soon as class is over. She didn't leave as quickly last semester in Government. I think her next class is in the science building. I saw her head in that direction once after class and that building is far away enough to explain her hurry. I know it's terrible of me, but I almost hope that if something is wrong it's that she broke up with the boyfriend I think she has. The last thing I want is for her to have to go through any kind of pain, and it's not even like it would advance my position at all. If nothing else, it would cause me to avoid approaching her more because she would be on the rebound. I can't win for losing. Woe is me. I know, I know, it's my own damn fault.

Keep your stick on the ice!


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26 January 2007-Survey
26 December 2006-On the Validity of Pen/Sword Clich�
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